Empowering Your Children
Providing emotional support and ensuring your child feels heard can help them cope.
Teach Children Their Rights
Teach your kids about their rights to help them feel powerful and more in control of their lives.
Talking About the Law with Kids
When talking to kids about legal proceedings, use simple and neutral language. Make sure to explain things in a way that helps them feel safe and secure.
Your Child's Sense of Self
Fostering a strong self identity and confidence in kids, teens, and yourself is crucial for overall well being and resilience.
Identifying Feelings
Helping your kids identify their feelings sets the groundwork for being able to talk about and handle emotions well as they grow up.
Create a Feelings Friendly Environment
Create a feelings friendly environment by actively listening to your kid’s feelings without judgment, offer empathy and support, and validate their emotions.
Navigating Challenging Behaviours
While all feelings are okay, not all behaviours are. Support your kids to learn healthy and helpful ways to express their feelings. When they are behaving in challenging ways, be curious and investigate what could be done to help them be more successful.