Les émotions

Principaux points à retenir


C’est tout à fait normal d’éprouver toutes sortes d’émotions quand tes parents se séparent. Tes émotions sont valables, même si elles sont douloureuses. Rappelle-toi qu’elles ne dureront pas pour toujours, et qu’il existe différentes façons d’affronter la douleur.


Obtenir de l’aide

Visite Jeunesse, J’écoute et Mind Your Mind pour obtenir de l’aide et des ressources en santé mentale. 

Qu’est-ce que tu ressens?


“I can’t believe my parents are breaking up. I feel numb.” Shock is a normal reaction to a traumatic experience. It's your body's way of protecting you in a difficult situation. Shock might make you feel dazed and distracted. Or it might make you just feel numb, or like crying all the time. This will eventually pass.


“What is going on? How did this happen???” If you don't have enough information about what is happening in your family and why, you will probably feel confused.


“It’s all my fault” Sometimes young people feel a sense of guilt when their parents split up, as though they are somehow responsible for what has happened. But parents split up because of problems in their relationship, not because of their kids. It's not your fault!


“How could they do this to me!? They should have tried harder!” Once the shock begins to fade, you might feel really angry, especially at your parents for causing this to happen, for not working hard enough to prevent it, or for letting you down. Anger is a normal feeling that everyone experiences from time to time. It's okay to feel angry! But it's not okay if you act on it in ways that hurt you or others.


“I’m stressed out just thinking about talking to my parents. They are so on edge and so am I!” Anxiety is a really intense and uneasy feeling of being scared. It's a normal reaction when you feel like there's danger or things are unsure. When your parents are splitting up, there's a lot of stuff that's uncertain. It makes sense you’d feel anxious!


“There is way less fighting now that they aren’t together all the time. It’s actually kind of nice!” Some teens actually feel relieved when their parents split up, especially if there has been a lot of fighting, tension or violence between their parents. You don’t need to feel guilty about feeling relief!


“Everything feels messed up. I miss how things used to be.” You might feel sad about the things you feel you’ve lost: your old life, the way your family used to do things, or seeing both your parents everyday. It's a lot like grieving when someone close to you has died. Grieving and feeling sad is a necessary and natural part of the process. It is okay to feel sad.


“I feel like everyone is pitying me” When your parents split up, you might feel embarrassed. It's normal to feel awkward about your family situation or think it's uncool to show your feelings. But it's important to know that feeling this way is normal. Many teenagers have gone through the same thing. You might even know some. Remember to be kind to yourself and not judge your feelings.

False Hope

“They seem to be getting along better. Maybe they will get back together after all!” You may really believe that your parents will get back together and try very hard to make it happen. But this can be a way of denying what is really going on in order to protect yourself. Chances are your parents reached this point only after trying very hard to save their relationship, and their decision to split up is final. It's hard, but it's probably better for you to begin to accept the situation as it is so you can heal and move on.



Quand tu te sens déprimé, c’est important de prendre soin de toi et d’en faire une priorité. Cela veut dire faire quelque chose pour prendre soin de toi-même, ce qui n’est pas nécessairement la même chose pour tout le monde. Certaines personnes se sentent mieux lorsqu’elles prennent un bain moussant ou écoutent de la musique. D’autres vont faire de l’exercice ou rencontrer des amis pour se sentir mieux. Fais ce qui TE procure du bien-être! Consulte la section Stratégies pour prendre soin de soi pour obtenir des conseils.

Questions et réponses


Je me sens coupable. Est-ce que cette situation est ma faute?


Tu n’es pas la raison pour laquelle tes parents se séparent. S’ils se séparent, c’est parce qu’ils éprouvent des problèmes de couple. Ce n’est pas ta faute!


Si mes parents divorcent, est-ce que la même chose m’arrivera?


De nombreux adolescents dont les parents sont séparés s’inquiètent pour leurs propres relations futures. Mais ce n’est pas parce que tes parents se séparent qu’il t’arrivera la même chose. Ce sera à toi de décider comment tes relations vont évoluer, pas à tes parents!
